A 45-minute workshop designed for people exploring the potential of essential oils for health + wellness. My goal is to educate and empower you so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not essential oils are a good fit for you and your family!
If you've been wanting to use oils but don't know where to start, then I'd like to invite you to my Essential Oils Made Easy Virtual Workshop. It's totally no pressure - and totally free. You'll know by the end of this 45-minute workshop if essential oils are the right next step for you!
Hey Beloved, Not Sure Essential Oils Are a Good Fit For You & Your Family?
Episode 15. Hello Lemon Eucalyptus! Unique + Uplifting Freshness For Respiratory, Repellent, And Recovery
January 26, 2021
Hey Beloved, welcome back! Amid all the hubbub of 2020, is it possible that you missed a favorite new oil in my home – Lemon Eucalyptus?! If so, you wouldn’t be the only one! My goal is to educate and empower you to be the solutions provider in your home and I am here to walk with you on this journey — from homemaking and Motherhood to kingdom mindset and faith to healthy clean living and detoxing your home, and all the fun, semi-crunchy and nutritional things to help you stay on top of your physical and mental game. I want to help you feel like the incredible wife and mommy that you are! So today we are talking about using Lemon Eucalyptus oil to help you live your best life and conquer coughs, support respiratory health, clear candida, stay safe from outdoor pests, and so much more. Don’t miss this recent addition to the oily fam and new must-have in your home apothecary!
But, before we dig into all of that, I want to make sure you know about the amazing giveaway that I have going on right now until Friday, Jan 29. You still have time to get in on this AND surprisingly, I don’t have many people entered so you have a REALLY high chance of winning.
This week my podcast hit 500 downloads!!!
Did you catch that?! We are celebrating 500 DOWNLOADS OF THIS SHOW in just over 2 months! I am so grateful to each of you for being on this journey with me. Grateful doesn’t even touch it. Only God.
To celebrate this huge win, I am gifting a “Covered Beloved Bundle” with my SIGNATURE Healthy Whole Mom essential oil blend (it’s heavenly!), Kairos prayer journal, and a $5 Starbucks gift card. This is the perfect giveaway for all of my Jesus + essential oil + coffee lovin’ mamas!
Go to iTunes and rate Covered Beloved with 5 stars, then click to leave a written review (be sure to screenshot it before you submit or you won’t be able to view it!)
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SHARE your screenshot review in your IG stories, or share an episode screenshot, talk about why you loved the episode, or mention this give-a-way AND be sure to TAG me @heidibramm and #CoveredBeloved (This is how I will see and save your entry).
AND be sure to TAG me @heidibramm and #CoveredBeloved (This is how I will see and save your entry).
You may post about the show 1x a day for 5 days, for a total of 5 entries to win, beginning now and ending 1/29/21. You can also get a BONUS entry by joining the FB group! So many chances to win sista!
Hey Beloved, welcome back! has left even seasoned oilers realizing they somehow missed it. Fresh new Lemon Eucalyptus has patiently waited to be noticed, and now it’s turning heads! Neither a blend nor a citrus, as the name might seem to imply, it’s actually the single essential oil of the Lemon Eucalyptus tree. This oils seems a bit of a misfit in my oil collection because it’s left in the category for bug repellent but it’s so much more than that!
Lemon Eucalyptus is actually a nickname for the lemon-scented gum tree (which can grow 30 ft in 2 years!) also goes by the alias blue gum tree. Yes, that’s a lot of scents and colors to sort out, so let’s just call this new friend Lemon Eucalyptus (Corymbia citriodora) and move forward with the understanding that it is a thing apart from Lemon or Eucalyptus as we know them!
One thing Lemon Eucalyptus has in common with the more familiar Eucalyptus oil is they both hail from trees – albeit different ones – native to Australia. But the lemon eucalyptus tree also thrives in Kenya, where bees and butterflies love to buzz around these blossoms for their delicious nectar! What makes Lemon Eucalyptus oil valuable to us is the cleansing, uplifting abilities it has. This oil is excellent for diffusing on its own for an anytime dose of invigoration, but it also blends deliciously with scents of mint, fir, wood, citrus, and florals.
Emotionally, the aroma of Lemon Eucalyptus can envelop the room with a mood of protection and stimulation. Prep your favorite diffuser to get this powerful, earthy blend pumping.
Strong and Pure 2 drops Arborvitae 1 drop Clary Sage 1 drop Lemon Eucalyptus
You can use Lemon Eucalyptus to deodorize basically anything and everything that begs for lemony freshness and a sense of renewal. Or in defeating the odors that torment you most such as bathroom or toilet odors, pet odors, or any other foulness coming from your family. This next blend below should get you off to a fast start in defeating the odors that torment you most!
Unite and Conquer 2 drops Lemon Eucalyptus 1 drop Clove 1 drop Wild Orange
If you don’t have a diffuser handy, depend on the trusty organic method of experiencing Lemon Eucalyptus as a drop in the palm of your hand. An intimate way of getting familiar with any new aroma, simply rub your hands together, close your eyes, and inhale.
Additional Usage Tips!
● Add to a spray bottle to cleanse surfaces and refresh any room. This is a great one to add to your bathroom spray. It’s incredible at eliminating odors!
● Diffuse to encourage a positive environment with a bright, fresh scent.
● During your skin care routine, add one to two drops of Lemon Eucalyptus oil to your favorite skin cleanser.
● Add 2 drops with carrier oil over chest and lungs, rub in and inhale remainder from cupped hands to clear your airways, calm cough, and promote easy breathing.
If you are needing protection outdoors, or feeling bugged by outdoor pests, then Lemon Eucalyptus is your best fried! It has developed quite a reputation for encouraging unwanted creatures to buzz off. YES! In fact, it’s 97% effective against mosquitos – lasting up to 4 hours due to its chemical profile.1
You can mix a few drops with water in a spray bottle and spritz onto the skin before heading outdoors.
Or you can combine a drop or two with a helping of Fractionated Coconut Oil and apply the mixture to tired muscles in need of a gentle, soothing boost.
Oh, and researchers have been studying what can disrupt biofilm of candida — Lemon Eucalyptus CAN!!! This is a BIG deal! When we are stressed, or consume alcohol, processed foods, or antibiotics, “bad” bacteria in our gut can rage out of control and created havoc on our systems. We might experience less energy or seasonal distress on the body. If you are trying to find balance in your body, Lemon Eucalyptus can actively disrupt and destroy the biofilm of candida albicans (yeast)2 that surrounds and protects it like an M&M candy shell. Dilute 2-3 drops with fractionated coconut oil and apply topically over abdomen 2-3x per day.
As you get to know the unique scent of Lemon Eucalyptus, lemony but not citrus, you’ll surely find your favorite times and places to depend on its uplifting freshness. Now that you have some starting points, it’s time to take off with Lemon Eucalyptus!
“I have been plagued with a very bad, persistent irritation cough for a good two weeks. It’s been so bad I haven’t been able to do any of my recordings. No other symptoms than a silly cough and later some crackling at the top of my right lung, but I threw everything I had at it, all the usual immune and respiratory blends, Eucalyptus essential oil, diffusing, rolling, inhalations, the immune bomb, THE.LOT. NOTHING was shifting the gunk in my lung, but really since I had no other symptoms I didn’t want a doctor to stick me on steroids. I knew there had to be something else I could try. Then yesterday I decided to apply ONE drop of Lemon Eucalyptus over my lung and drowned it with fractionated coconut oil because it was my first time using it. I reapplied it again in the afternoon, and now the crackling is GONE, and I’d say the cough is 99% gone. That’s TWO drops. One for each week I’ve been struggling. So yeah. If it’s available to you, get it!!” ~ Jacquline
If you don’t yet have access to pure, potent, and medicinal quality essential oils then I want to make sure you know about my Essential Oils Made Easy Virtual Workshop. This 45-minute online workshop was designed for people who are just starting to explore the potential of essential oils for health + wellness solutions and don’t know where to start. This is a free workshop and totally no pressure! My goal is simply to educate and empower you with the basics to help you understand the power of essential oils (because it just looks like water in those little bottles, right?!). We love our oils. They have become our go-to for almost the last decade as a first-line of defense in our home and I want to make sure that everyone knows they exist as a safer, cheaper, and more effective option!
“I’ve been fighting bronchitis for over a month and lemon eucalyptus and litsea are the only things that have even worked.” ~ Melissa
So in this wellness workshop, we cover what essential oils are and how to use them, what to look for in a quality essential oil and why it matters, and then we cover a few of the most popular and versatile oils every home should have, along with testimonials so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not essential oils are a good fit for you and your family.
“It works. I used it 3 times today on my 3 kids and they coughed so so so much less and slept so much better. I literally could cry because I tried everything too and this finally worked.” ~ Jessica
Check out the link above to take the first steps towards getting access. This just helps me learn a little bit more about you and your needs, and you can opt to receive a free sample to go along with the workshop to make it more of an interactive experience which is always fun!
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Beginner's Guide: 3 steps to Creating A More Holistic Home
“Heidi has such a gift for inspiring and encouraging! I love her fierce love for her family and wanting to meet mamas where they are, infusing them with faith to see they can find empowerment from God to take control of their life and health.”
- Robyn Wright, Faithfully Living Fit
“I love how Heidi not only cares deeply about health and wellness but inspires us all that part of living holistically involves our spiritual lives! I can always count on Heidi to deliver material that is astutely informative and faithfully inspired helping me live my best life!”
- Wendy Henley, Author and Mindset Coach
“I came across Heidi while looking into personal healing. Heidi offers so much value and helpful information to a new or seasoned Christian. I am really enjoying learning new biblical ways. Can’t wait to hear and learn more! Thank you!”
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