A 45-minute workshop designed for people exploring the potential of essential oils for health + wellness. My goal is to educate and empower you so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not essential oils are a good fit for you and your family!
If you've been wanting to use oils but don't know where to start, then I'd like to invite you to my Essential Oils Made Easy Virtual Workshop. It's totally no pressure - and totally free. You'll know by the end of this 45-minute workshop if essential oils are the right next step for you!
How have your children’s behavior and focus been affected by all that’s been going on? Different things that can affect the focus and wellbeing of your children. It is, therefore, important to develop a solid foundation to help your children feel in control of their lives all the time.
In this episode, Heidi talks about 5 tips she believes are essential in ensuring your children’s health and focus naturally. She explains the acronym N.O.R.M.S. and how following those steps will benefit your whole family.
Listen in to learn the importance of incorporating essential oils in your children’s routine to protect their health.
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Detailed Transcript:
Hi, Beloved! Welcome back to another episode. I’m so excited to be here with you today. We’re talking tangible tips and practical tools to help move fidgety and unfocused kids to confident and thriving in their day. But before we jump into all of that I want to make sure you know how you can work with me if you are ready to dip your toes into the world of plant-based solutions. You actually have three ways you can get started with me, and the first two options are free:
#1 – EOME virtual workshop – First, you are welcome to take my free 45-minute Essential Oils Made Easy workshop. This was designed for people that are just starting to explore the potential of essential oils for health + wellness but don’t know where to start. I cover all of the basics so you’ll walk away knowing what essential oils are & how to use them, what to look for in a quality essential oil and why it matters, then I share testimonials and the top oils that I feel like every home would benefit from having right from the gates. My goal is simply to educate and empower you so that you can make an informed decision. You’ll know by the end if essential oils are a good fit for you and your family. Go to heidibramm.com/resources for exclusive access and you can even opt to receive free samples to make your experience more interactive.
#2 – The second option is new and it’s a free 2-Day event that covers my signature ‘Stress Less System’ – Let’s just jump right into some real talk here! Life throws unexpected twists and turns at us—sometimes daily. And even the stuff we’re expecting from life can become so overwhelming and demanding.
You’ll walk away knowing:
#3 – 45 min holistic strategy session
The final way you can work for me is to book a holistic strategy session. You’re going to get a 45-minute personal session with me and we’re gonna go through what all you’re struggling with. I have four main areas of natural health that I’ve pinned down and so you get to pick the one that you feel most out of balance in and we’re gonna focus on that. You’re gonna walk away with a strategy for your health, a personalized plan with recommended products to help you live empowered in your daily life. Doesn’t that sound amazing? You can book that one on one session with me by messaging me at support@coverbeloved.com and I will personally respond to your email. Or you can book on my website heidibramm.com.
Alright, let’s dig in!
Ok so for individuals who care about improving their health and that of their loved ones, I want to share some simple, safe, and empowering solutions that can enhance the well-being of your children. If 2020 has brought us anything, it’s brought transition. And those transitions haven’t always been easy. Stress, Anxiety Overwhelm, frustration, lack of peace, distraction, confusion you name it. We are pretty resilient in the Bramm household. As a family of 6 in a smaller home with 2 big dogs, 2 cats, twice as many kids as there are adults and will all of them being girls, there’s usually always someone crying or upset.
Let’s first talk about what affects focus and typical treatments, then I will share my top 5 tips for fidgety unfocused kids, and of course real-life examples of success stories we’ve had from moms in our VIP community. Disclaimer: I am not an expert.
There are a wide range of things that affect child communication, interaction, focus/direction/attention, behavior, ability to stay on task, activity and impulsiveness. Age obviously plays a role but other things like nutrition, sleep, overstimulation, and even environmental factors play a role too.
Too quick to medicate. Typical Treatments include:
NUTRITION AND PREVENTION PLAY A BIG ROLE – mental health and nutrition are not a separate
Digestive Enzymes
Omega 3s
School & Homework
I want to share a real-life example and success story from a mom in my VIP community and how her child is excelling in school after incorporating essential oils. It’s so easy to think that essential oils are just pretty smells, but when you harness the divine intelligence and medicinal power of pure and potent essential oils create just the way God designed them so no synthetics or chemical manipulations, the results are astounding!
Denise shares: “My 12 year old son, Kurtis had trouble his whole 5th grade year. He had trouble with his teachers. He didn’t want to go to school and almost daily asked if I would just homeschool him. I actually looked into it but didn’t want him to regret at least trying middle school. He started doing one drop of frankincense under his tongue and using the grounding blend in a roller bottle. He used that all last year and most of this year. Just recently he started to not need his grounding blend as often. There is a great video online that shows how the grounding blend makes your blood cells healthy and I truly believe this is happening to my son. We also discovered that the citrus blend was invigorating for him in the morning. On occasion, if he is feeling emotionally challenged we have learned that the outdoor blend of all things helps him to have an emotional barrier that actually shields him. These oils have changed our life! This year he loves school. And he received a Citizen Award 3rd quarter.”
So powerful, thank you Denise for allowing me to share. I have pages and pages and pages of testimonials just like these that will blow your mind!
Nutrition is key as well!
Beth’s story: “He has made leaps and bounds. Our daily routine is the whole food vitamins and the omegas during breakfast. Before school we use the focus blend, Vetiver and cedarwood in a roller bottle, and the Quiet Mind blend. Along with a healthier diet. When we first started almost 4 years ago to now present day, from all the write ups we were getting daily in the past to not having any, is a great and wonderful feeling as a parent, not to mention he now looks forward to going to school instead of having anxiety over going to school.
The whole food vitamins she’s referring to for kids is a natural watermelon flavored chewable and has a cognitive blend – superfood blend – antioxidant blend – whole food derived vitamins and minerals in the most bioavailable form – meant to be used with land and marine Omega oil which is orange flavored + time released strawberry flavored Probiotics – like a pixie stick. If you want more information on any of those just message me at support@coveredbeloved.com or you can book a 1:1 holistic strategy session with me and we can create a personalized plan for your child.
Signing off for now!
“Heidi has such a gift for inspiring and encouraging! I love her fierce love for her family and wanting to meet mamas where they are, infusing them with faith to see they can find empowerment from God to take control of their life and health.”
- Robyn Wright, Faithfully Living Fit
“I love how Heidi not only cares deeply about health and wellness but inspires us all that part of living holistically involves our spiritual lives! I can always count on Heidi to deliver material that is astutely informative and faithfully inspired helping me live my best life!”
- Wendy Henley, Author and Mindset Coach
“I came across Heidi while looking into personal healing. Heidi offers so much value and helpful information to a new or seasoned Christian. I am really enjoying learning new biblical ways. Can’t wait to hear and learn more! Thank you!”
- 'Country Girl'
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