A 45-minute workshop designed for people exploring the potential of essential oils for health + wellness. My goal is to educate and empower you so that you can make an informed decision on whether or not essential oils are a good fit for you and your family!
If you've been wanting to use oils but don't know where to start, then I'd like to invite you to my Essential Oils Made Easy Virtual Workshop. It's totally no pressure - and totally free. You'll know by the end of this 45-minute workshop if essential oils are the right next step for you!
Do you feel overwhelmed when it comes to food? Or maybe you feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of obsessive eating and body image? Your weight is just a symptom, and to get to a place where you’re not fixating on food, and are confident and comfortable, you must be willing to allow Jesus into your healing process.
In this episode, Heidi shares her struggles with food addiction and her journey to discovering a program that allowed her to heal her weight symptoms. Listen in to learn how you will discover the joy of living free from food fixation and experience a deeper satisfaction in Christ.
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Detailed Transcript:
Hey, beloved, welcome back to the show. I am so excited to share something incredible with you that is coming up the end of this year and starting in January 2022. First, though, I just want to thank you guys for listening to the show. I am so honored to be able to speak to you every week. And as I’m just trying to figure out the message and who I’m speaking to, and what is resonating with most people, and just kind of what people need. I’m actually feeling drawn to talk about weight and food struggles and the battle for satisfaction in Jesus. And so if you feel overwhelmed when it comes to food if you have ever felt stuck in a seemingly endless cycle of overeating, yoyo dieting and obsessive thoughts about food, or your body image if you look to the scale to determine your self worth, you are going to want to follow along with the podcast for the next couple months.
Because, I’m on a mission to bring a whole new level of health and wellness to your home, and help Christian women overcome emotional eating so they can heal their relationship with food, restore their identity, and lose the weight for good. So in today’s show, I’m actually going to share about my story, my struggles. What worked for me in the process in this journey was not an overnight gig, right, the power of fasting to break our strongholds and the role inner healing plays in finding food freedom. So I’m going to share my story with you and then I’m going to let you in on the details of what is coming up these next few months as we end the year, and start the next year strong. Alright, let’s dig in.
Alright, so some of you may have heard my story several times, as I’ve done quite a few guests interviews, and usually on guests interviews, they want me to share my story, and my struggle with food, and my weight. And so I’m just going to share when that began for me, and you tell me if you can relate. So I was in third grade, I was about age nine, and my parents were separated, they got separated, they were going to get a divorce, they didn’t actually get a divorce. But that was the pivotal moment in my life, that I turned to food as my comfort, and my calm, and my control. And even as years went on, I used food to control and comfort and calm but then even to condemn.
And so it started when I was younger, my parents again like I said, they separated and it just ripped my world apart. There is a lot of health issues in my family, there was a lot of abuse of food overeating especially sugar, over-consuming a lot of unhealthy habits that were very readily available for me to model. So that was kind of how I grew up. And it wasn’t until about 10th grade that I finally decided to take control of my own health. I actually got my first job and I was able to purchase my own food. And so I started eating a little bit healthier. I did drop some weight towards the end of high school then.
And then I moved out and moved in with my boyfriend at the time who was my husband now, and we kind of gained weight together. Because you know, in that season of life, we were paying for our own food. And so we still didn’t really know that much about food, but we were buying like cheap stuff and canned things, boxed things. And so we gained quite a bit of weight actually. And then we’re like, “Okay, this is enough.’ And I remember being introduced to the book Sugar Busters. And so we dropped a lot of weight together, got super healthy.
And then a couple of years later, we got married and I had my first baby, right? I got pregnant. And so I gained weight again, of course with pregnancy. And then after pregnancy, was able to lose most of the weight.
And then we had got pregnant again. And so we had our second child. That’s the I think they’re 21 months apart. And so I went through this cycle again of gaining and losing and that I started to work on a nutrition and chiropractic clinic and this was about in 2010, maybe?
And I started to learn so much about nutrition and about my body and was doing really, really well, nutritionally I was working out. So loved the transformation, the results I was getting from just learning about food, and how it interacts in the body, and what real food is compared to food, like man-made food products. And so, it was really great. It was awesome. I actually even started to work at the clinic as a weight-loss coordinator. So I co-created in ran one of the weightloss programs. And we saw people come in super excited, the weight loss program was super effective, it was a homeopathic program. And people did great…until they didn’t, right?
And they would come back and they had gained weight. And there was an emotional component to it. Even as I was working on myself and my own health, you know, I went through the program as well saw results, really awesome results with that, but then I had this emotional block. So I would go to my practitioner, and she’d be like, okay, you’re doing everything amazing nutritionally, but you’re emotionally blocked. And I’m like, “what does that mean? And how do I fix it?”
And so just as time progress, I would see kind of the same people come back, and that had gained the weight. And I’m like, “You know what, this is not working for 70% of the people, because there’s not an emotional healing component to this, there’s not something that is addressing the root cause.” And the reason, like weight, is just a symptom, right? Why are we not looking at helping people and equipping them to not emotionally eat and not to self-sabotage? So there’s like this reel that’s going on in your mind, right? These thoughts in this track that’s being played of these core beliefs that you believe are truths for you. And so as a result, you think that thought, and then your habit in response is to turn to food, whatever that thought may be, it could be a result of stress or anxiety, or maybe something’s going difficult with a relationship that you have, or maybe you were put on the spot or embarrassed and felt uncomfortable and so shame entered the situation. So whatever the emotional response was, that triggered a cue for you, in your thinking in your mind, in your habits and your patterns to turn to food as your comfort your columns are a way to control, or whatever, right?
So during this program, I didn’t give my body enough time to actually even physically reset before I got pregnant again.
And so, my body went up in weight in response, and then afterward, it was really hard for me to lose the last 20 pounds after pregnancy, and then I got pregnant again.
And so, I have had this same cycle for whatever reason, right of gain, loss, gain, loss, gain, loss, gain loss, and this pattern over and over and over again, losing the same 40 to 60 pounds six or seven times throughout my life in by this time, and now like 40, right? I’m 41 today.
But this was last year where I was just like, I could not keep doing this anymore. Like, this isn’t my pattern. This isn’t my story. I’m not going to pass this on to my children. I’m not going to watch my children suffer the way I’ve suffered in the way I’ve watched my family members suffer. And so, I set forward to find the missing piece of this really super effective program that I helped co-create at the clinic. I’m like, “there has to be something else. There has to be a missing piece.”
And then I was introduced to a book called Full by Asheritah Ciuciu, and it’s called Full: Food, Jesus, and the Battle for Satisfaction. And this book, you guys, seriously, it changed the way that I thought about food. It brought up the lies that I was believing about food and myself, and my body, and my pattern in my history, and my genetics, and all the things and how there’s power in Jesus to break the addiction and the lies. And I had so much healing after going through that book. And I’m like, “this is it. This is part of the puzzle, part of the missing piece of the puzzle!”
So the renewing of the mind and breaking the strongholds, breaking the lies, and really looking at the core issue. And I truly believe that the enemy attacks our bodies most of all, because we are created in the image of God, and he can’t stand it. And the more he can get you to attack yourself, even better, right? That you’re kind of self-sabotaging and destroying from the inside out.
And so, it was really interesting even this year, I was introduced to the third and final piece that I feel has really helped me, it actually has helped me lose 30 pounds this year. It is the inner heart healing. So it’s looking at and going back, “when did I attach to this lie? What happened in my life that I believed that to be true? What is the truth?” and letting Jesus come in and heal any emotional wounds, any soul wounds that I have any shards that are left over. Things that I thought I dealt with, but I didn’t completely. Just let him wash me clean and restore me from the inside out.
And so that is the trifecta, right? a strand of three cores is not easy, easily broken. And so, even though I’ve tried a lot of things so far, I would say like I’m a “professional weight loss-er” if that’s even a term, but you know, all the things over time. Atkins, Sugar Busters, you know, you name it. I’ve tried it, Weight Watchers, I mean, all the things. And, yeah, they were effective for a time, but then stress would come up. Life would happen, chaos would ensue. And then, before you know it, you’ve gained the weight back again, or at least I did.
And so it was hard to go through those cycles over and over again. It was hard to go through pregnancy and try to enjoy my pregnancy and be, you know, happy that my body was getting bigger. It really did a mental, I mean, it was really a mental battle for me, getting large, again, not being able to control what was happening physically, right? That your body was growing in size, and your clothes weren’t fitting. And here, you know, from a child growing up overweight, just to have your clothes not fit. And your, there’s nothing you can do about it, because you’re pregnant, and your body’s growing and changing and just to have that mental battle go on the entire time. It really does affect you. And so that was hard.
When I went through the weight loss program at the clinic, I loved how effective it was because, not only were we fasting from certain foods, but during this time, there was no spiritual component to it. So there is definitely a key there like a kingdom key of matching fasting with, you know, I even just had Holy Spirit speak this, to me the other day of fast without Jesus is just another diet. How true is that? Right? So fasting and detoxing definitely played a huge role in resetting my body. But again, that emotional component was not there. And so that’s where the inner heart-healing came in.
And this biblically-based food freedom curriculum that just renewed my mindset and helped me break so many strongholds, and I just can’t wait to share it with you. So the solution that I have for others that are struggling is I have a beta group that I am doing. I’ve actually helped other women through this program. And one in particular, she’s going to be sharing her story with us very soon. But I want to let you know what’s coming up in November, and then the beginning of 2022.
So actually, between now well, yeah, for the next six weeks, I’m going to be doing two episodes a week, maybe I can do more, maybe I can do three episodes a week. But I’m going to be taking you through the book Full that Asheritah Ciuciu authored, and I’m going to take you through each week and my experience with that week’s content. And so I’m just going to share with you real and raw, what was coming up for me and how the Lord helped me get through that week and just kind of what brought to light. And it’s going to be really raw and really real, and vulnerable. And I’m going to actually have a “Food Freedom Workshop”, November 28, it’s a Sunday, we’re gonna do it at 7:30 pm, Central Time. And so, I invite you to come into the Facebook group that’s going to be hosting this.
Oh my gosh, I’m just so excited! So again, it’s a “Food Freedom Workshop.” It’s one hour we’re gonna spend together, unpacking what it really takes to break free from bondage is to food and struggles with weight, and emotional eating, and self-sabotage, all without exercise, and even if you’ve struggled your entire life.
For many of us, food has become an increasingly complex issue that causes us to feel guilty to feel ashamed, overwhelmed, or even hopeless. And so, if you feel defeated, by your lack of self-control, or overwhelmed by your weight, or you know, have thoughts, and longings for food, please join us in this group. It’s called the Biblical Weight Loss Blueprint Facebook group. Again, it’s on Facebook and the workshop is on Sunday, November 28 at 7:30 pm, Central time.
We are going to dig into scripture and reveal the path to freedom. So this workshop will give you a glimpse into the food freedom curriculum that I’m speaking about, that we use in the biblical weight loss blueprint, which again is my 12 week signature program that I launching, January 2022. It’s a faith-based format and it’s comprehensive. It’s holistic in nature, this is the three pieces, right? We are body, spirit, and soul. And so this program addresses all three with a guided fasten detox for the physical weight loss portion, a biblically-based food freedom curriculum again for the spiritual piece. And then finally private personal inner healing sessions for the heart and soul work that is so crucial for lasting freedom. Again, a strand of three cords is not easily broken and this program has it all!
Weight is just a symptom, right? It’s not about the weight. But yet, it’s not NOT about the weight. And so, it’s so much more than weight we know, but the weight is kind of in the way so to speak, right? It holds us back from truly living our lives to the fullest.
In John 10:10 Lord said, “I’ve come to giving life and life to the full.”
And so losing the weight is really just the icing on the cake in this program, since Yys, of course, you’ll be losing between 10 and 15% of your body weight, which for most people is about 20 to 25 pounds. But more importantly, you will discover the joy of living free from food fixation, like literally not even having the thoughts consume your mind that used to. Of course, it’ll be something you’re so not used to but, you’re going to just love the freedom that you get from that. And then you know, experiencing a deeper satisfaction in Christ, you will find healing from the inside out that you no longer need to carry this extra weight around because you found true healing. And you will finally feel comfortable, and confident in your own skin, and your skin will be glowing because you’ll get detox, right? And the fasting helps your body detox as well and you’ll be able to step into the fullness of what God has for you.
So come join me for this totally free food freedom workshop that I’m doing for you. This is a spiritual battle y’all and we need to overcome the lies with truth. Again, I will have a special guest on her name is Rachel, and she’s gone through this program over the summer. She lost 25 pounds her first time around, she’s actually doing it again. And, I think she’s up to 35 pounds so far. And so, but you guys again, that’s the icing on the cake. She’s found her calling and she’s found her way to be true to herself. I am so proud of her and all of the hard things that she’s done since midsummer. She is not here actually talking. Right? She will be soon. But she will tell you that healing is a process, and wait is just a symptom. She even got sick throughout the program, but she stayed on the path and pulled through. And she just shares that forming beautiful caring relationships with others brings so much gratitude, she was able to connect more and deeper in her relationships. And she found joy in just keeping things simple. And her passion started to come out more her heart was open to new things. She was able to be vulnerable as she went through it, and just working on you know what’s on the inside, in order to change the outside, like a really is an inside job.
So if you are stuck in this place, and you’re like, oh, I should be working out but you feel ashamed to work out in front of other people or you’re like, oh, I don’t want to go on a diet because I can’t stay on a diet, or I just want to stop obsessing about food. But it’s hard for you to stop obsessing about food, or binge eating, or binge drinking. Or you avoid the mirror because of what you see in the reflection and you’re just stuck in that cycle of shame and self-hatred with your body, and you’re overcome by fear and anxiety in social settings. Because all you can think about is if people are looking at you, or maybe you’re using food to cope and numb the pain of the past, or you just can’t even handle that every day and so you’re doing it every day. And your soul is yearning to be set free from the bondage of the food fixation, the binge eating, the loneliness, and the isolation. I totally get it because that was me. So please come and join us in the Biblical Weight Loss Blueprint Facebook group for the upcoming food Freedom Workshop. Again, that’s Sunday, November 28, at 7:30 pm Central Standard Time. It will be hosted right in the free Facebook group. Everybody’s welcome. You’re welcome to invite friends into that and I look forward to seeing you in the group, and I love it. I just pray that you prosper in your health just as your soul prospers. Until next time.
Hey, beloved, real quick before you go. If you found value in today’s podcast and you learn something new, head over to iTunes for covered beloved and leave a five-star review. Hit subscribe while you’re there. And of course, if you have friends who would benefit from today’s episode, be sure to share. Until next time, remember God’s got you covered.
“Heidi has such a gift for inspiring and encouraging! I love her fierce love for her family and wanting to meet mamas where they are, infusing them with faith to see they can find empowerment from God to take control of their life and health.”
- Robyn Wright, Faithfully Living Fit
“I love how Heidi not only cares deeply about health and wellness but inspires us all that part of living holistically involves our spiritual lives! I can always count on Heidi to deliver material that is astutely informative and faithfully inspired helping me live my best life!”
- Wendy Henley, Author and Mindset Coach
“I came across Heidi while looking into personal healing. Heidi offers so much value and helpful information to a new or seasoned Christian. I am really enjoying learning new biblical ways. Can’t wait to hear and learn more! Thank you!”
- 'Country Girl'
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